Tibetan Foothills - "Safe" Spot Near Hut Key

After the avalanche, you'll find the HUT KEY at the base of the huge snowbank. When you approach it, a baddie on a snowmobile enters through the opening between the drawbridge supports. Either shoot him while dodging like mad, or climb onto the snowbank to the right of the key and shoot at him from there. Just be sure to stand toward the front of the snowbank where it comes to a little point. He can drive over the snow behind Lara, and he can still shoot at her, but he can't turn sharply enough to run her over.

Tomb Raider 2 screenshot
This screenshot shows the key and the safe spot.

Tomb Raider 2 screenshot
Here Lara is standing on the pointed edge.

Tomb Raider 2 screenshot
Turn around as the snowmobiler passes behind Lara so you can keep a lock on him.

[Tibetan Foothills Walkthrough | Tibet on Foot Alternative]

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.