Move the snowmobile into position facing the ramp in the middle of the clearing. The tunnel and the smaller opening where you climbed up earlier to move the ice blocks will be on Lara's left, as shown above.
Drive straight up the ramp, holding Action for a speed boost. . .
. . . to jump over the jagged ledge and land in the little cave on the other side.
Turn around and drive along the trench beside the jagged ledge toward the tunnel opening.
When you reach the corner below the opening, turn left and position the snowmobile squarely facing the snowy ramp ahead. (Save the game here and again each time you make a successful jump. Then if you crash, you can reload and not have to start over from the first ramp.) Use turbo to race up the ramp. . .
. . . jump the gap and land on the ledge in the next corner. Then quickly tap reverse to brake so you don't slide off the other side of the ledge.
Now turn left and race the snowmobile forward along the next ledge.
Again, hold Action to clear the gap. On the other side, tap reverse to avoid crashing into the wall.
Turn left and use turbo to jump the wide gap in front of the entrance.
When you land on the next corner ledge, tap reverse to brake or steer into the right wall so you don't slide off the other side of the ledge.
Carefully turn the snowmobile so it's facing the tunnel opening. Race forward along the jagged ledge.
Hold Action for a speed boost to clear the gap in the ledge, race up the ramp at the end and sail into the tunnel opening.
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