Tibetan Foothills - Shortcut in Clearing with Ramps

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Move the snowmobile into position facing the ramp in the middle of the clearing. The tunnel and the smaller opening where you climbed up earlier to move the ice blocks will be on Lara's left, as shown above.

Save the game here. Then if you miss the first jump, you can just reload and try again.

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Ride up the ramp diagonally so you take off at the top right corner. (I found it easier not to use the turbo boost for this jump.)

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Veer just a little to the right while in the air. . .

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. . . to land on the jagged ledge facing the right cave wall. Then drive forward into the wall to avoid slipping off the other side of the ledge into the trench. Once you've landed safely, save again.

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Carefully turn the snowmobile around so it's facing the tunnel opening. Race forward along the jagged ledge.

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This time, hold Action for a speed boost to clear the gap in the ledge, race up the ramp at the end and sail into the tunnel opening.

[Return to the Tibetan Foothills Walkthrough]

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.