Tibetan Foothills - Shortcut to Hut

You can take a shortcut from the snowy ledge above the lake to the hut. You won't miss any items but you will miss one kill: a vulture.

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When you first emerge above the lake facing the hut, turn around and safety drop to the slope below.

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Slide back and grab the edge but don't drop. Instead, traverse to the right and pull up.

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Turn around to face the water. See the ledge with the large medi pack way down there across the water? Take a carefully angled running jump to land on the sloping rock just to the right of it. Slide down and take the medi pack.

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Turn to face the cliff wall and then jump over to the snowy ledge ahead on the left.

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Climb the snow ledges to the top of the canyon.

Pick up the main walkthrough at the section titled HUT AND SNOWMOBILE, here.

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If you fall in the water and don't want to reload, there's a small ledge roughly opposite the one with the medi pack where you can climb out of the water. An ice ladder there leads back up to the ledge below the entrance so you can try again.

[Return to the Tibetan Foothills Walkthrough]

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.