From the doorway on LEVEL 3 (shown in the last of the previous set of screenshots), drop down the open shaft into the water.
Climb out on the first step and kill a rat.
Turn around and take a standing jump to grab the ledge across the water and above.
Pull up and shoot another rat here.
Turn around again and look up. There's a thug with a gun on the floor above. You may be able to shoot him from below. You'll get a clearer shot by jumping up and down, but take care not to jump off the ledge. If he moves off down the hallway, you may have to wait a while for him to return. So you'll probably want to just climb up and get it over with.
Take a standing jump from the edge of this ledge to grab the edge of the floor above and pull up.
Finish off the thug plus 2 more rats and a dog.
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