Opera House - Breaking and Entering

After retrieving the ORNATE KEY, as described in the main walkthrough, return to the ledge near the level entrance.

Tomb Raider 2 screenshot
Move to the far end of the ledge between the swinging crate and the slide where you entered the level. Take a running jump to the small, flat area on the tiled roof ahead.

Tomb Raider 2 screenshot
Drop and hang from the left edge and traverse to the left. (Or jump forward onto the slanted roof, slide and grab the edge, as indicated by the curved arrow in the screenshot above. Then traverse to the left if necessary.) Drop to the small, square ledge below.

Tomb Raider 2 screenshot
Drop and hang from the edge and traverse to the left until Lara is hanging in front of the window. Release the Action button to let go. . .

Tomb Raider 2 screenshot
. . . and quickly press it again to grab the windowsill. Pull up. Shoot out the window and enter the room, carefully walking over the glass shards.

[Return to the Opera House Walkthrough]

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.