Opera House - Flooded Basement Below Elevator Shaft

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After riding the ELEVATOR down to the LARGE OPEN ROOM and killing the 2 thugs, pull the switch to send the elevator back up.

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Drop into flooded elevator shaft and turn right to face the wall with the ladder. Swim down and to the left.

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Swim along the submerged steps, forward then around the corner to the left.

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Continue swimming up the flooded steps and turn left again.

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Surface in the room at the top of the steps and turn right.

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Wade across the room and pick up the CIRCUIT BOARD that you glimpsed earlier through the floor of the room above.

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Swim back along the flooded steps the way you came.

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Follow the steps down and to the right.

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When you reach the wooden part of the steps, if Lara's air meter is at least half full, proceed directly to the exit from this area by swimming through the square opening ahead. (Skip the next 3 screenshots and pick up the Walkthrough below.)

Or, if you're low on air, turn right at the wooden landing.

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Swim forward, to the right and then up into the elevator shaft where you started.

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Take a few breaths, turn toward the wall with the ladder and then swim back down and to the left.

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This time, instead of following the submerged steps, go through the square opening on the right.

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Just beyond the square opening, turn right.

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Swim straight ahead to a lever mounted on the wall.

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Pull the lever to open the grating on the right. Swim through and up to the surface.

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You're now at the bottom of the OPEN SHAFT that you explored earlier on the way to the DRESSING ROOM.

[Return to the Opera House Walkthrough]

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.