Opera House - Elevator Shaft - Secret #3 Gold Dragon

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Place the RELAY BOX in the circuitry on the wall to repair the ELEVATOR. Pull the switch to send the elevator down.

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Then jump to grab the ledge with the ladder on the right side of the elevator shaft.

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Climb up onto the ledge.

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Walk carefully over the glass shards to retrieve SECRET #3, the Gold Dragon (plus 4 sets of Uzi clips if you've found all the secrets).

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On the left is an alcove with a switch; pull it to open the door to the right.

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Walk through the glass to the exit, retrieving additional Uzi clips on the floor before you leave.

NOTE: If you didn't get the UZIS in the previous level, you'll find them here in place of the clips.

[Return to the Opera House Walkthrough]

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.