This shortcut allows you to skip the entire "POOL AND UNDERWATER PASSAGE" and part of the "SEAPLANE" section; however, you will miss Secret #1, the Jade Dragon.
Instead of diving into the pool as soon as you escape from the room with the crates, run through the doorway on the left.
Avoid the 2 enemies and the ramp with the rolling barrels and continue through the room and out the other side.
Go up the stairs.
Turn right and run toward the windows.
Lara doesn't need to run at a seam between textures, as with the traditional fence bug. Just run straight at the glass and, as soon as Lara touches it, roll. . .
. . . to emerge magically on the other side.
Alternatively, if you're unable to make the bug work, you can also stand at the window and wait for the bad guys to come up behind you. The one with the gun will start shooting at Lara, and in the process should break the window. Lara will take a little damage, but you can then run right through.
Turn right and, move to the gap in the walkway and take a running jump onto the nose of the seaplane. Here it helps to angle the jump a little by pressing Right while Lara is in the air.
Head for the back of the aircraft. When Lara steps onto the trapdoor, it falls open depositing her inside.
Reclaim your PISTOLS and climb the ladder to get back on top of the plane.
Continue with the walkthrough section titled "YELLOW CARD AND LOCK".
Thanks to the many players who suggested all or part of this shortcut over the years. I've known about it for a long time, and I'm sorry it took me so long to include it.
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