Offshore Rig - Secret #3 Gold Dragon

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SECRET #3, the Gold Dragon, is sitting on the cement footing below the catwalk where you found the GREEN KEY CARD.

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Dive into the pool and climb out onto the footing. Watch out for the 2 scuba divers if you didn't kill them earlier. You can shoot them from above or dive in and harpoon them. Then claim the statuette (plus the UZIS and 2 sets of clips if you've found all secrets).

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When you take the dragon, a goon with a club appears. A second bad guy spawns if you run around the footing to the other side. If you're low on health, you can draw them out then jump into the water.

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Swim to the next footing, climb onto it and shoot them across the water. One of them drops a small medi pack. Or, if you don't care about getting all kills and items, just grab the dragon and move on.

[Return to the Offshore Rig Walkthrough]

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