Wreck of the Maria Doria - Tiled Room with Movable Blocks

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In the opposite corner of the room from the opening in the ceiling leading to the Jade Dragon, there are several movable blocks. Pull the first block to the left once, go around to the opposite side and push it once, then move around to the side and push it twice into the alcove.

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Go back to the corner and pull out the left block. Pull it to the left once and then go around to the opposite side and push it once. Then push it into the alcove against the first block.

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Pull the third block twice.

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Moving the blocks out of the corner reveals two hallways. The one on the left leads to the RESTROOM; the one on the right to the BALLROOM.

[Return to the Maria Doria Walkthrough]

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.