Wreck of the Maria Doria - Underwater Tunnel to Level Exit

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The tunnel leading to the end of the level is hidden behind the rock formation to the left of the barrels on the sea floor. Swim down behind those rocks. . .

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. . . and forward through the dark passage.

The yellow eels that inhabit this tunnel are actually hazards more than enemies since you can't damage them. They try to bite Lara as she passes but don't do too much damage as long as you keep moving.

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So swim forward as the tunnel narrows.

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Then immediately turn left into the narrow passage just before the first eel, then turn right just before the second eel.

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Continue quickly past the second eel.

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Just beyond the second eel, the rocky passage slopes upward. Swim straight on through the opening where the third eel is floating.

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Just beyond the third eel, you'll encounter 3 barracudas. There's also a square opening in the ceiling where you can climb up into a little air-filled cave.

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Shoot the barracudas through the opening with pistols if you like. Otherwise, harpoon them or just continue swimming straight ahead past the opening.

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Here the tunnel widens into an underwater cave. A little farther on is a large opening made of rusted metal. Swim into it to end the level.

[Return to the Maria Doria Walkthrough]

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.