If you reach the THIRD CIRCUIT BREAKER but it's inaccessible because the glass doors are still open, as shown above, here's what to do:
Turn around and press the button to open a trapdoor in elsewhere.
Climb back into the rusty passageway, which is just to the left of the button.
Head forward then turn right at the next corner.
Turn right again. (Ignore the blue passageway; it leads back to the BALLROOM.)
A few steps ahead is the trapdoor you just opened with the button.
Draw weapons and step off the edge. As soon as Lara hits the floor of the RESTROOM, 2 thugs attack, one with a wrench, one with a gun. Run forward a little so you can see better and then start shooting. When they fall, grab their Uzi clips and 2 bundles of harpoons.
NOTE: If you didn't get the UZIS earlier, you'll get them here instead of clips.
Now press the button in the alcove next to the lock where you used the RUSTY KEY earlier. This re-closes the glass doors on the other side of the room.
Now you should be able to see the CIRCUIT BREAKER on the other side of those doors but not be able to reach it yet.
Climb back up through the trapdoor in the ceiling and follow the rusty passageway forward, left, then left again to the opening above the blue alcove.
Drop down and take the THIRD CIRCUIT BREAKER.
Climb back up through the opening next to the button, follow the rusty passageway forward, right, and right again, and then drop back down into the RESTROOM. From there, continue following the main walkthrough.
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