Living Quarters - Room with Gears and Ducts (Longer Path)

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Take a standing jump up onto the raised walkway running along the middle of the room and turn right.

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Go to the end of the walkway and pull the switch to open the door at the other end.

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Roll and go forward through that door.

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Just inside this door are 2 switches. These raise a pair of hinged ledges on the opposite side of the room. They are timed, but it's a fairly slow timer, so there's no need to panic. To get across, pull the switch nearer to the door, press Look, side flip to the left, pull the second switch and press Look again.

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Then roll and take a running jump across the room. . .

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. . . to grab one of the hinged platforms.

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Without pausing, traverse to the right above a pit lined with broken glass. . .

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. . . to a solid ledge where you can pull up. Here you'll find another switch. Use it to lower another hinged ledge back in the room with the ducts.

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