The Ice Palace - Springboard and Second Bell

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Back in the main room with the cages and springboards, go to the single springboard near the two adjacent springboards you used earlier.

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Above is a second bell.

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Position Lara touching the wall with the sloping top, her back toward the springboard. Then hop back once.

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Lara should now be standing just in front of the springboard. Draw pistols. Then backflip (i.e., press Jump + Back together).

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Now, instead of actually backflipping, Lara will step back onto the springboard and be launched into the air.

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Shoot the bell at the peak of the jump. You'll hear a clang and see the bell sway back and forth if you hit it.

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Lara will then fall back and slide down the sloped wall to the floor without taking any damage. Shooting this bell opens the first of the 2 black gates in the alcove to the left.

[Return to the Ice Palace Walkthrough]

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