Floating Islands - First Mystic Plaque

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After using the switch inside the GOLD LATTICE BUILDING, return to the edge of the floor overlooking the green islands and ledges. From here, you can see the plaque below on the left.

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Position Lara near the left side of the opening, with her left foot and arm touching the gold lattice wall.

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Pivot slightly to the left so she's facing the right side of the inverted V-shaped green block you jumped over earlier.

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Hop back from the edge and then take a running jump onto the slope. For the longest possible jump, do not press Action until Lara's feet touch the slope.

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Then press and hold Action as she slides so she grabs the edge.

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Release to drop onto the ledge below.

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From there, take a running jump onto the island with the FIRST MYSTIC PLAQUE.

[Return to the Floating Islands Walkthrough]

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.