Take a running jump onto the tan rocks on the right side of the lava stream. Cross over the rocks toward the doorway, but don't go through yet. There's still one more secret to find.
Turn and look across the lava stream. Position Lara so she's facing the block just to the left of the thin, jutting ledge on the opposite side of the stream.
Look down and you'll see a small, flat ledge below.
Now turn around and hop back, holding Action as though you were going to slide back and grab the end of the slope.
Lara won't actually grab, but the motion will allow her to land safely on the small ledge below.
Turn around and take a running jump across the lava into the dark tunnel.
Follow it to the end and climb the block steps to emerge on a long, open ledge.
This is actually on the roof of the building overlooking the pretty little garden near the MYSTIC PLAQUE GATE.
Here you'll find SECRET #3, the Gold Dragon. This is the last secret of the game and carries a bonus of 8 pairs of grenades if you've found all three secrets in this level.
Return to the tunnel opening and take a running jump across the lava to grab the angled block directly ahead.
Pull up and quickly backflip. . .
. . . to land on the thin ledge above and behind.
Jump into the doorway to finish the level.
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Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.