Floating Islands - The Cage (Part 2)

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After you've killed the 4 knife-throwing baddies, move to the left or right side of the cage. (Here Lara is shown on the right.) Walk to the edge of the lava pit and take a standing jump over it. This awakens 2 of the guardians: one directly ahead and one behind in the opposite alcove. (He's shown in the screenshot below.)

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Immediately backflip over the lava into the cage area.

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Turn and climb up onto the wall again. The spearmen have to go all the way around the lava pits in order to get to Lara, so you should have plenty of time to climb back up.

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You can then shoot them with pistols from above.

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After the first 2 spearmen are destroyed, drop down and approach the alcove on the right. Once again, take a standing jump over the lava pit.

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Roll to awaken the third spearman standing in the alcove.

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Then take a running jump back over the lava. Run to the left and climb back onto the wall as the spearman takes the long way around.

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Shoot him from above like you did the others.

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Now repeat this with the fourth warrior guarding the exit.

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He comes to life as soon as Lara steps down from the low platform that forms the cage floor. So step down. . .

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. . . roll, run back to the wall and climb up.

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Then shoot the guardian with pistols until he explodes.

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Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.