Diving Area - Underwater Passages in Room with Pool and Circular Saw

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Jump in the pool and head for an opening below and to the left of the window with the goons behind it.

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A scuba diver with a harpoon gun lies in wait, so either harpoon him back. . .

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. . . or swim to the low ledge at the corner of the pool nearest the entrance.

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Climb out and shoot him from there.

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Now take a deep breath and head into that underwater tunnel. Here's the sequence: enter the passage and turn right.

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Then keep going straight, hugging the bottom to avoid getting snagged by the current between the two grates.

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Pull the lever at the end of the tunnel to open one of the grates. Then roll so the lever is behind Lara.

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Swim forward (away from the lever) then to the right through the open grate.

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Continue forward then right. . .

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. . . and right again

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Pull a second lever which is on the left wall.

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This opens a door elsewhere. Press Look to get Lara's perspective back.

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Then continue along the passage, forward then right. . .

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. . . then right again.

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The grate opens automatically as you approach. Swim through and turn left.

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Follow the passage forward then left again.

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Finally, surface in the pool where you started.

[Return to the Diving Area Walkthrough]

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.