The Deck - From the Deck to the Cave with Stepped Blocks

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Drop down onto the LOWER-MIDDLE DECK on the right side when facing away from the swimming pool. Do not drop all the way down to the lowest deck.

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Move to the front corner of the lower-middle deck, save the game in case you miss any of the subsequent jumps, and then take a running jump to the flat rock with wood on top.

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From there, take another running jump to grab the metal duct ahead; pull up.

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Here the camera shifts to a wide-angle view of Lara's position and the overturned hull ahead.

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While standing on top of the metal duct, notice the Jade Dragon off to the right, but don't go there yet. You'll have another chance to claim the secret soon.

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Instead take a running jump from the higher end of the duct across the gap and onto the overturned hull. Cross the top of the hull toward the big propeller at the back left side.

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Turn around so Lara's back is toward the edge and the propeller is on her right. Drop and hang from the edge, then release and grab the crevice below.

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Traverse to the left until you can pull up.

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Turn left and take a running jump into the opening on the cavern wall.

[Return to The Deck Walkthrough]

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