There are 4 Yetis in this very dark room. Fortunately they're caged and can't get out until you free them. So, if you want to, you can save the game and explore the room using flares to see what's what. Then reload and continue so you won't waste any flares.
From the entrance, follow the left wall to the corner.
Turn right and continue forward keeping the wall on Lara's left.
When you come to a series of gaps in the floor, jump across the first 2 gaps to the center ledge.
Here you'll find a brazier (not yet lit) and a switch.
When you pull the switch, the braziers ignite, providing a little light but not much. The Yeti cages on the lower level open, along with the bars along the wall beside the switch, and grates extend in the gaps between the ledges. This means the Yetis will be able to reach Lara.
If you like, you can try and run back to the entrance, jump into the doorway and run outside.
The Yetis will be able to follow, but you can shoot them as they come through the door, and there's more light and room to maneuver outdoors.
- OR -
After pulling the switch, draw powerful weapons, like the Uzis, and shoot the Yetis as they come up the stairs toward Lara. Every time I've played this section, they came up the staircase farthest from the entrance, as shown by the orange arrows in the screenshot above. If any of the Yetis manage to reach her, hop down to the floor and continue shooting as they stupidly take the stairs down.
One Yeti may not attack at first and instead lurk inside the cage opposite the entrance. If so, you'll have to go in and draw it out.
NOTE: There are various item pickups here. Check the main walkthrough for details.
On the upper level, in the corner to the right of the switch, is a movable block. Pull/push it into the first of the small doorways with the gates above. In the room beyond is a second switch. Pull it to open the painted wooden door in the cave opening near the FROZEN POND AND FIREPOT area. This switch also closes the four gates, preventing you from exiting this room unless you have first moved the stone block under one of the gates.
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