Catacombs of the Talion - Secret #1 Silver Dragon

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Jump down on either side of the stairs to avoid the falling icicles and head forward to the doorway.

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In the next room, along the left wall, is a crevice. Grab it and traverse to the right until you can pull up.

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Drop down behind the wall to find some flares and SECRET #1, the Silver Dragon.

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Climb back into the opening and turn to face the doorway where you entered.

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Jump onto the slippery slope below, slide back. . .

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. . . and grab the edge.

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Then pull up and quickly press Jump to backflip. . .

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. . . and land on the ledge behind.

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From here you can kill the Yeti lurking below. If he tries to hide in the cave, take a running jump across the gap onto the slope, slide back and grab the edge. Then dangle there for a moment to get his attention before pulling up and backflipping onto the ledge again. Or just drop down and kill him quickly with a powerful weapon like the Uzis.

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