After killing the leopards and grabbing the goodies in the room below, return to the top of the ramp, go through the big doors and take a running jump across the gap.
Note the snowballs perched on the hilltops ahead and to the left. You'll need to bring these down in order to proceed.
First, position Lara at the base of the wide slope ahead, near the middle of it. Jump forward onto the slope, triggering the avalanche.
Continue to hold the Jump button so Lara springs back off the slope and lands near where she started.
Immediately side flip to the right to land near the alcove with the gray panel of ice. The snowballs should then roll past harmlessly on Lara's left.
Now, to trigger the snowballs at the top of the narrow slope on the left, stand at the base of the ramp facing it.
Jump forward onto the ramp and continue holding jump to backflip off it.
As the snowballs roll down toward Lara, immediately side flip to the right to get out of the way.
The snowballs will then roll by, breaking down the gray ice door allowing you to enter the next room.
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