Catacombs of the Talion - Area Beyond the Doors at the Top of the Ramp

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The doors at the top of the ramp should now be open. Advance cautiously, since there's a wide gap in the floor just inside the doorway and 3 leopards lurking in the room below.

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You can see them better if you drop a flare into the hole. Then, either try and shoot them from above by dangling from the edge and pulling up. . .

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. . . and/or jumping back and forth across the opening to get their attention.

Or, if you're feeling brave, ready guns and drop in. When they're dead, retrieve some grenades, a large medi pack, and 3 sets of M16 clips scattered around the room.

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When you flip the switch to open the side doors, a fourth leopard enters through the door on the left (when facing the switch alcove). Kill it and head back outside.

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