You may be able to avoid these traps altogether. Begin by taking a standing jump over the first blade, angling the jump to the right (as indicated by the arrow in the screenshot above) so Lara doesn't slide down the slope at all but instead lands directly in the pool.
Then swim underneath the flame traps.
Surface in front of the last flame jet. Save your game, just in case the next step doesn't work. Pull up near the center of the ledge and quickly run through the fire. I don't know if this is a bug, or if Lara's wetness protects her, but as long as you move through center of the flame, she should be fine. If you try and run through on either side, Lara always seems to catch fire. Also, if you try and go back through the flame toward the pool, Lara catches fire.
- OR -
If this glitch doesn't work for you, try navigating the trap as the designers probably intended: Climb out of the water on the wooden ledge next to the first flame jet. The flames are on a timer. When you step on this wooden square they go out. But once Lara steps off the wood, the flames relight after a few seconds.
Start by positioning Lara on the seam between the wooden square and the square that touches the corner of the room.
Use the Look button to make sure she's facing straight ahead along the series of flames. Save the game if you like.
Now take a quick series of standing jumps (i.e., press and immediately release Jump + Forward together to hop forward without running). If you take one quick forward hop after another, you should be able to clear the flames before they reignite. If Lara catches fire, reload the game or drop into the water and try again.
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