Pull the switch to open the remaining set of double doors in the LIBRARY. There are 2 thugs with guns in the garden outside. When you enter the room, you can see them through the windows. Kill them and take their shotgun shells and Uzi clips.
In the garden with the small gazebo, where the bad guys came from, is a door that opens automatically when you approach.
Go out to the canal and swim over to the far left corner, where you'll find a low ledge where you can climb out. Quickly climb onto the brick ledge on the left before the rat on the lower ledge can bite Lara. Shoot it from above. Then head to the other end of the ledge.
Do not use the DETONATOR plunger yet or you will not be able to get the final secret. Instead, climb onto the garden wall and follow it to the left end.
Vault onto the brick ledge and pull up onto the roof.
Shoot out one of the windows and go inside to find SECRET #3, the Jade Dragon, plus 4 boxes of shotgun shells if you've found all three secrets.
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