40 Fathoms - Flooded Room with Wooden Crates

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Swim through the passageway behind the tall stack of crates.

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Head forward and down, then upward. . .

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. . . to surface in another small room. Climb out of the water and follow the hall around to the right.

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Pull the switch to drain the water from the previous room.

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Return to the ledge where you climbed out of the water and drop down into the small room, which is now dry.

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Climb out on the other side and vault up onto the wooden crate on the right.

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Take a standing jump from the corner of this crate to grab the edge of the tall wooden box just ahead on the right; pull up.

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From here, you can reach the edge of the wide opening above. Grab it and climb up.

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Ahead you can see SECRET #1, the Silver Dragon, but don't just rush ahead or you'll fall into a trap.

[Return to the 40 Fathoms Walkthrough]

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.