City of Vilcabamba - Red-Roofed Building - Middle Door

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Enter through the middle door and proceed cautiously.

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Three blades begin to swing back and forth as you approach. Take each one in turn, standing slightly to left or right of center and running through as the blade swings away toward the opposite side.

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Beyond the blades is a gate. There's a bear in the room beyond, but you can't shoot it through the gate, and in any case, you probably want to watch it dance for the "Circus of Vilcabamba" achievement/trophy.

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Throw the switch and the floor collapses, dropping Lara into a pool.

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Swim forward then up to the surface, but don't climb out of the water yet. (Note the tunnel on the right. You'll go that way soon.)

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That bear (29 again) is pacing around the pool. If you tread water near the edge, it may stand up on its hind legs. Press Look and move the camera to get a good eyeful. If you've done the same with the previous bears (one in the Caves, one earlier in this level), you should unlock the achievement/trophy. You can now climb out of the water and confront the bear, or continue and shoot it in a moment from a safe ledge.

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Swim through the square opening about halfway up one side of the pool.

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Follow this passage around to the left...

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...and surface in another pool. Climb out of the water and follow the stairs...

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...up to a room with a switch. Use it to open the gate in front of the exit door (below, at one end of the first pool).

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Step out onto the ledge above the first pool and shoot the bear (still 29) from above if you like. Or, if you haven't seen it dance yet, it may happen here. When it's dead, jump down into the pool and climb out on the other side.

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Face the gate you just opened, but don't go through yet or you'll miss a secret. Instead, head for the dark corner to the left of the gate. Climb the stairs there.

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At the top is a room with another switch that stops the swinging blades. (You can ignore it unless you missed something earlier in the level and need to return that way.)

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Opposite the switch and to the left of the stairs is a doorway.

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Enter and drop down twice to find SECRET #3, Uzi ammo (13). Climb back to the switch room and either return down the stairs or drop down off the balcony.

[City of Vilcabamba Walkthrough]

DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)