The Great Pyramid - Gauntlet of Traps

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After destroying the SCION and fighting the 3 mutants (or not), as shown in the previous section, step off the drawbridge to land on the black rocks below on the right. Find the opening in the floor near the south wall...

Tomb Raider I Remastered screenshot
...and safety drop onto a small, square ledge.

Tomb Raider I Remastered screenshot
There's a lava pool below and darts flying back and forth. Turn to face the fleshy wall and take a running jump to grab the horizontal crevice. Or, to avoid possible damage from the leftmost dart trap, take a carefully angled running jump to grab the left side of the flat part of the crevice, between the first two darts (as indicated by the right set of arrows in the screenshot above).

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Traverse to the right along the crevice. It's almost impossible to make this crossing without taking any damage from darts, but with luck you won't lose more than a little health.

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When you reach the right end of the crevice, drop onto the slippery slope and immediately backflip...

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...onto the flat ledge behind to avoid sliding into the lava.

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As long as Lara jumps immediately without sliding, she should land near the edge of the ledge, safe from the darts. Turn around and run carefully into the doorway between darts.

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Pick up the Uzi clips (10) just inside on the left.

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Then walk down the right side of the slope. This will trigger a boulder, which rolls down the left side to land in the lava pool below the swinging blade.

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Move to the middle of the slope, facing the middle section of spikes on the opposite side of the lava pit. The swinging blade will be on Lara's left. As the blade swings away to the left, take a running jump over the lava and spikes to land on the clear tile beyond the first set of spikes (outlined in the screenshot above).

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Walk forward through the spikes, continue on between the lava pits, go around the corner.

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Then walk to the top of the ramp on the left.

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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)