The Great Pyramid - Passageways with Movable Blocks

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When you defeat the huge mutant, the exit door at the back of the platform opens. Go through.

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Follow the fleshy passageway forward, then left. Slide down the ramp into a gray-tiled hallway.

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Pass the movable block in the alcove and continue down the next ramp. (The sound of chomping blades is audible from somewhere above.)

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Soon you'll come to another movable block. Push it 3 times.

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Go up the ramp on the right...

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...and around the corner to reach the back side of the first movable block you passed earlier. Push it once.

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Then go around the right side of the block and climb on top of it.

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Turn around and take a standing jump to grab the ledge ahead. Pull up into a hallway with a break-away tile (43/51) concealing a spike pit, with chomping blades beyond. (NG+ players get a save crystal here.)

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Stand at the edge of the solid floor just before the cracked tile and watch/listen to the blades. Start to run through the blades on the second "clang," or just as they begin to open. Continue forward and around the corner.

NOTE: Shattering this break-away-tile contributes to the total for the "After Us, The Deluge" achievement/trophy. Just 8 more tiles to go.

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Don't go down the next ramp. Instead turn right into a corridor with light and dark tiles.

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Follow it to the bottom...

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...and push the movable block once.

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Return to the top of the passageway, turn right, and go down the ramp you didn't take earlier.

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At the bottom is the block you just pushed, a lava pool on the left, and a red door and switch that are too high to reach.

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Climb over the movable block.

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Then push it twice, so it ends up beneath the switch.

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Follow the passageway back up and around until you're standing on top of the block you just moved.

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Throw the switch to open the red door.

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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)