The Great Pyramid - Gauntlet of Traps - Lava Flows and Fire Pillars

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Next in this series of challenges is a room with a small medi pack (16) on the ground, 4 lava flows, two on each side wall, and a door at the far end. Run forward to the medi pack.

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Stop and pick it up. The lava flows out behind Lara, but she'll be safe here.

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Without moving forward or back from the spot where the health pack was, face the red fleshy door and take a running jump toward it. Then run on into the doorway...

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...as the remaining lava flows converge behind you. Pull the switch to open the door.

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Enter and go to the right. The door closes behind you. Continue to the right (north) end of the tunnel and pick up some Uzi ammo (17).

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Turn around and run forward past the door, but stop just before the edge of the next lava pit. A boulder will roll down and pass overhead.

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Walk to the edge of the lava pit. Then take a standing jump to grab the opposite edge.

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Wait for another boulder to roll down into the pit.

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Then pull up and follow the tunnel to the next room.

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Here you'll find a pool of water and a series of torch pillars. Relax! It's not anything like the Palace Midas torches. You'll be fine. And if you do happen to fall into the water, just swim back to the ledge below the ramp, climb out, and try again.

NOTE: If you haven't unlocked the "Tempered Lara" achievement/trophy yet, you can easily do that here. Step into any of the burners to catch fire, then jump in the pool to put it out.

Start by walking up the ramp to the edge, then sidestep to the left or right so Lara is squarely facing either side of the first flaming pillar, rather than the middle, where the fire is hottest.

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Hop back, check your angle again...

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...then take a running jump over the first flaming pillar...

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...to grab the edge of the longer platform with the second burner.

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When you pull up, the flame ignites. Take a standing jump past it.

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Then take a running jump over the pillar with the third flame to grab the edge of the ramp on the far side of the room.

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Pull up and that's that. As long as you managed to stay near the outside edge of the blocks, Lara won't take any damage.

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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)