The Great Pyramid - Secret #2

Tomb Raider I Remastered screenshot
In the next room you'll find a lava pool with 3 tall, angled blocks standing in it. On a ledge above the far side of the pit you can just make out some items. This is where you're headed, but jumping on the blocks won't get you there.

NOTE: If you're in a hurry, you can skip the secret and cross the lava pool via the angled pillars. Walk to the edge. Then take a standing jump down to the first angled block. Hold Jump to hop to the next pillar and the next. Release Jump before you land on the third pillar. It's flat enough that Lara won't slide. Stand near the center of the pillar and take a standing jump into the doorway on the right, as shown here. Then skip to the next section.

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If you do want the secret, you'll need to traverse along a nearly invisible crevice in the left wall. It doesn't look like a crack you can grab, but if you scan farther to the right, you can see where it widens. Position Lara with her chest against the left wall and her right foot near the edge. Hop back once.

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Then pivot just slightly to the right, to face the wall beyond the edge of the ledge. Take a standing jump to grab the horizontal seam in the wall.

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Traverse to the right all the way across the lava pool. (Don't ask how Lara doesn't end up with third-degree finger burns. #TombRaiderLogic)

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On the other side, drop down onto the wide ledge. This is SECRET #2: Uzi ammo and 3 large medi packs (11-14).

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To get down, walk to the edge above the lava pool and face the entrance and the angled pillars below.

Tomb Raider I Remastered screenshot
Take a standing jump onto the sloping middle block...

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...and immediately backflip onto the smaller flat block behind. (There's another save crystal here in NG+). Step back toward the middle of the block to avoid taking damage from the bubbling lava.

Tomb Raider I Remastered screenshot
Ignore the horizontal crevice and take a standing jump from the middle of the pillar into the doorway. Be careful not to run on into the trapped passageway ahead.

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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)