If you talk to the man sitting on the box just west of the Kuwaq Yaku Base Camp, he'll tell you about a shady character named Omar.
The mission giver for this level's Side Mission will then be revealed on your map.
Head down the rusty metal footbridge into the main village. Bear left at the first intersection...
...and you'll come to a two-story building with two men arguing on the porch.
When they're finished, speak to the mission giver, Victor, who glows green in Survival Instinct. He tells Lara about a band of pillagers who've been exploiting local workers. Your goal is then updated: Talk to Omar, their leader.
Side Missions are tracked on the same screen as Challenges. Open the map, then page once to the right. Each time the mission objective is updated, you'll see a notification on-screen, but you can also check your progress here. This mission has a main objective: DEAL WITH THE PILLAGERS, and an immediate goal: Talk to Omar. A green beacon on the map shows where to find Omar.
NOTE: As you can see, in my game, this mission is incorrectly listed as part of the Porvenir Oil Fields level, when in fact it takes place here in Kuwaq Yaku. This happens with a few of the missions, but it's generally pretty clear what you need to do. I'll cover everything here.
Omar also glows green in Survival Instinct view. Talk to him and he'll tell Lara to Talk to Marco at the bar.
Return to Abby's place and you'll find Marco leaning against the railing on the far side of the lower deck. If you have trouble picking him out, he also glows green in Survival Instinct. It turns out he's not working for Omar voluntarily. Marco was injured, and his son, Pablo, is being forced to work in his place. Lara agrees to investigate the dig site. You get a new objective: Head to the edge of town, and the area is marked on your map.
To get there, return across the footbridge and into the village to Omar's place. Continue north-northwest, past the garage on the right...
...until you come to the house with the "Jardin Communitario" (Community Garden) sign. Bear left here, and head for the area behind the people working on the garden.
Crawl under the fallen tree...
...and follow the path toward the ruins. There's a mural (1/10), Suppay (Quechua Dialect/Pantheon of Gods 2 Story) just ahead on the left. Examine it and continue along the path and into a low tunnel.
As Lara emerges from the tunnel, she meets Pablo, who is being chased by the pillagers. She tells him to go back to his father, and your objective is updated: Enter the crypt worksite.
The next part of the mission will involve some combat. If you're not prepared, it's fine to return to the village and do some exploring, collecting, and upgrading first. When you're ready return here and continue.
As Lara squishes on through the mud, she hears a gunshot. Squeeze through the opening into the tunnel beyond and get ready to Defeat the pillagers.
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