PERUVIAN JUNGLE - Second Crypt (Rimak, The Storyteller)

Updated: 9/16/18()

CRYPT ENTRANCE: The handholds on the rock near the document seem like the obvious path, but let's take a little detour instead. Head back to the south to find a craggy wall just to the right of a waterfall. Climb the nearby tree, jump over to the climbing wall, and latch on with your axes. Climb up and around to the left to reach the ledge above. Use one of your axes to mine some gold ore from the rock wall. Then jump to grab the horizontal branch and swing over to the next ledge. Lara will start to slide, but before she reaches the end of the slope, jump and steer to the left a little to land on the ledge above the little pool. (If you fall in, just drop down to the area below, return to the tree, climb back up, and try again.) When you reach the ledge, dig up another survival cache (5/9). (screenshots)

Drop down near the Crypt entrance. Use your axe to break open the crumbling stone wall to get inside. There's a box containing a relic (4/9) just ahead. It's a Grave Marker from the Expedition Unknown Story. Follow the tunnel farther in to find a mural (2/7) on the right. Examine it to learn about Rimak, The Storyteller, and improve Lara's understanding of the Quechua Dialect. Like the other crypt murals, this one is part of the Resting Places Story. Pick up some supplies on the left and use a rope arrow to pull down the barrier so you can continue. The wooden gate doesn't open from this side, so follow the passageway to the left. Watch out for the trap. If you trigger it by mistake, Lara can jump over the heavy beam that swings toward her, but it's less stressful to trigger the trap by cutting the tripwire. In the next room is another relic (5/9), an Elongated Skull from the Myth, Magic & Monsters Story. (I'm not saying it was aliens, but....) Continue through the tunnel on the right. (screenshots)

NOTE: If you've found all of the other collectibles related to the Quechua Dialect, Lara's skill level will now increase from Limited to Proficient. Later, when you discover monoliths written in Quechua, you will be able to decipher them more easily.

In the next room, the handle on the right opens the nearby gate, but as Lara says, this is the exit. Don't leave yet. Instead push the handle on the left to open the other gate so you can go deeper into the crypt. As you move through the gate, a tower of wood and stone rises out of the floor. (screenshots)

Go around the tower to the back right corner of the room. Turn around and scramble up the wooden wall, then the horizontal wooden slats, to grab the wooden beam above. Climb to the right, then jump to the right to grab a handhold on the tower. Scramble up to the handhold above. Climb then jump to the right again, and finally scramble onto the upper ledge. Grab loot another resource container and carefully follow the passageway around to the right, jumping over a concealed spike pit just before the room with the statue heads. Continue through the hall of heads to a spear trap, which you can either scramble beneath or trigger in advance by cutting the tripwire. At the end of the passageway, push another handle to open another wooden gate. Just when you though you were almost there, the tower rises even higher. (screenshots)

Turn left and jump across the gap to latch onto the climbing wall. Climb to the right as far as you can. Then jump to the next section of climbable wall. Climb to the top and scramble up two sections of wooden slats to grab the handhold above. Climb along the beams to the left. When you can't go any farther, lean then jump out ot the left to grab a wooden beam on the side of the tower. (You're aiming for the beam at the top of the wooden slats. If Lara falls and catches the handhold below, scramble up to the higher handhold.) Climb then jump ot the left again, and finally scramble up onto the ledge. (screenshots)

Open the sarcophagus to discover a Vestige: Eveningstar's Cape, along with 750 gold pieces. Later, when you get back to camp, you'll be able to examine this outfit component and see what is required to restore it. Before leaving this area, turn around and break down the weak wall to access a hidden chamber. Inside you'll find mushrooms, gold ore, and a document (7/13), A King's Ransom from the Conquerors Story. Return to the sarcophagus, move around behind it, and jump toward the dangling wooden contraption. Scramble up to grab the bar at the top and ride it down to the floor. Proceed straight ahead to get back to the room with the 2 handles. Use the second handle to open the exit if you didn't already do so. Continue straight on (more or less) to get back outside. Cross the shallow pool outside the crypt entrance and drop down into the area below. (screenshots)

[Peruvian Jungle Walkthrough]

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UPDATE HISTORY: 9/16/18 - First draft of walkthrough posted online.

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