If you have returned from a later level to complete this challenge tomb, just use the base camp to fast travel to wherever you left off. If this is your first time through the CENOTE, you'll need to make your way on foot. From the Collapsed Temple Base Camp, swim across the pool, climb out on the ledge at water level, then climb up on the left.
Climb the stairs and continue to the edge of the chasm.
Jump off the wooden ledge and latch onto
the climbable wall. Climb up as far as you can. Then jump up to grab the narrow ledge above.
Climb then jump to the next handhold to the right. From there, climb onto the ledge above.
Scramble up the stone wall, then axe-climb the rough wall above to reach the next high ledge.
Head to the left.
Slide down the slippery slope, and jump at the end to avoid sliding into the pit lined with spiky branches. Latch onto the climbing wall above the pit...
...and climb onto to the ledge above.
Use the rope line to slide down across another spike pit.
Continue forward. Then grapple-swing across the next pit to another climbable wall. Climb to the top.
Move out onto the wooden platform and dive into the pool below.
Swim down through the blue-lit opening to the south.
Follow the flooded passageway forward to an air pocket.
Then continue on to the cavern with the sunken rowboat. (Remember you passed through here earlier on your way to the tomb?) Turn left (south) here...
...and continue more or less straight across the next cave, past the spot where you dug up survival cache #4 earlier and into the passageway ahead.
You can surface here and climb out of the water.
Pick up some black powder and break down the wooden barrier to get back to the main path.
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