After taking out the first Trinity scout, as shown in part 1. Run back up the hill and make your way carefully down the right path toward the next 2 enemies.
As you head down the hill toward the fallen log, near where you found the Explorer Satchel earlier...
...stay under cover as much as possible to avoid being spotted.
One soldier patrols the path on the far right. When he heads downhill away from you, move out onto the snowy ledge overlooking the open area below. Lara keeps a low profile when enemies are around, but if you draw your bow, she may be spotted even if she's standing in a bush. If an enemy approaches, release Aim to stow your bow and duck even lower.
His buddy tends to stay off to the left, but be alert. You don't want them ganging up on you. Wait for the first guy to move up the hill again. Then when you see the Melee Icon above his head... Melee to leap on him from above.
Then press Melee again at the second prompt... finish him off.
Quickly move behind cover before the other guy sees you.
You can then climb back onto the snowy ledge and take him out with your bow. (Ignore the tutorial, which explains how to shoot poison arrows by aiming and pressing RB or Middle Mouse. Do not waste precious poison arrows on a single unaware enemy.)
Or hop down on the left, move into a bush...
...and wait for him to go looking for his friend.
The headshot is a little easier from this distance. (Hold Aim to draw the bow, zoom in by pressing the right stick or Z, adjust your aim, then hold the Fire button to charge the shot for more power before finally releasing the Fire button to shoot.)
You'll also get bonus points for style. ;)
[Part 1 | Part 3 | Return to the Siberian Wilderness Walkthrough]
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