In order to reach the upper parts of this room, you'll need to raise the water level. Start by swimming across to the crumbling wall on the right side of the pool.
Destroy it with your climbing axe.
As the water floods in, swim across the pool to the light-colored shelves lined with skeletons.
Climb up these shelves and around to the right.
Then pull up onto the jutting beam and jump forward to grab the wooden platform suspended above the pool.
Lara's weight opens the sluice gate on the left, raising the water level further. Now you can reach the middle ledges.
Turn around so Lara's back is toward the gilded tower and swim along the right wall to the far alcove, where you'll find a container with a Byzantine Coin inside.
Swim diagonally across the pool to the ledge with the seated skeleton.
Here you'll find a box containing another relic (2/2), a Wooden Cross from the Tokens of Faith set.
[Return to the Prophet's Tomb Walkthrough]
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