Head north from the Ruins Encampment Base Camp...
...past the spot where Sofia gave her speech to the villagers earlier.
Follow the path behind the waterfall and up a set of wooden stairs...
...to discover the Challenge Tomb entrance.
If you haven't yet dived into the pool here for the High-Dive Challenge, here's your chance. Follow this link for details about the challenge.
Follow the tunnel to a shallow pit with metal rings above. Pick some mushrooms growing on the left and then use your grapple axe to swing across the pit.
Squeeze through a narrow gap in the rocks...
...to discover the Hidden Ravine Base Camp. Grapple-swing across the deeper pit beyond the camp.
Just ahead the tunnel is divided by a large boulder. Follow the right wall...
...to find an Explorer Satchel (5/5), which reveals the locations of 3 survival caches. Only the first one is visible on your map so far. The others are in the unexplored area ahead.
Now follow the falling water and slide down the slippery slope. Jump at the end to clear the chasm and latch onto the climbable wall.
Climb onto the ledge above.
Walk across the fallen tree trunk and dig up the survival cache (12/20) buried ahead on the left.
Continue through the low tunnel on the right.
Drop into the hole ahead and slide down into the tomb.
[Part 2 | Return to the Challenge Tomb Walkthrough]
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