Before leaving this area, start the Enemy of My Enemy Challenge by lighting 2 signal braziers. The first is on the wall in the northeast corner, to the right of the exit.
Use a fire arrow to ignite the first brazier, or to conserve fire arrows, use any weapon to shoot the Greek fire vessel sitting next to the brazier, as shown here. This should light the brazier and initiate the challenge.
The goal is to rally the Deathless to fight Trinity by lighting six of these signals.
The next brazier (2/6) is high above to the southeast. You can get a clear shot by standing on top of the stone structure in the middle of the room. Again, hit the brazier with a fire arrow or simply shoot the nearby greek fire vessel to light the torch.
There's another brazier (3/6) at the top of the stairs connecting the upper and lower areas. It's next to a huge bell and above the room where a pair of archers spawns. (It's also shown in the combat section of the walkthrough.)
After defeating the 4 Deathless warriors in the northern courtyard (as shown here) locate the rope-wrapped barrier high in the southwest corner of this area.
Use a rope arrow to pull it down.
Then shoot the container of Greek fire in the alcove to light the brazier (4/6), or ignite it with a fire arrow, for the challenge.
After picking up the relic in the area beyond the northern gate, turn to face the gate. The last 2 braziers (5/6 and 6/6) are here.
Destroy the impact barrier above and to the left of the gate with an explosive arrow to simultaneously light the signal, or destroy the barrier with several rifle or pistol shots. Then shoot the Greek fire vessel to light the signal.
Shoot the Greek fire vessel in the niche above and to the right of the gate to ignite the last brazier and complete the Enemy of My Enemy Challenge for an XP bonus and 2,000 Expedition Credits.
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