When you're ready, approach Konstantin's helicopter, which is embedded in the south wall.
This triggers a cutscene. Konstantin gets the drop on Lara, knocks her down with the butt of his rifle, and steals her weapons.
She scrambles away as he starts shooting, and you begin the fight crouched behind one of the columns.
Run away and take cover behind a different column so he doesn't find you too soon. If he sees or hears Lara, he'll start shooting and/or launching grenades.
Now search around nearby for one of the metal cups scattered around the floor.
Press RB/Middle Mouse to craft a shrapnel grenade using magnesite from your inventory. Again, there's also magnesite here if you don't have a stockpile.
Keep moving and try to stay out of Konstantin's way. When you get a clear line of sight to him, aim and throw the grenade as usual (using LT/Right Mouse).
When the grenade explodes, the Melee icon will appear above Konstantin's head indicating that he's temporarily stunned. Don't hesitate. Run toward him
until the icon changes from red (out of range)...
...to white (within range). Then quickly press Y/F...
...to attack with your axe.
NOTE: A few alternative strategies for this first section are included in the main walkthrough but I don't have screenshots for them yet.
The first time you wound Konstantin, he goes berserk, shouting about his destiny destroying the square columns with grenades so you can no longer use them to move around the room. His grenades also ignite more of the debris scattered about. Meanwhile, Lara scampers for cover.
As soon as you regain control, start moving around the outside of the room. Pick up another metal cup...
...and craft another shrapnel grenade while you run.
Again, try and keep behind cover as much as possible, but as soon as you get a clear line of sight, aim the makeshift grenade and toss it at Konstantin.
If he's some distance away when you throw the grenade, don't wait for it to go off. Immediately start running toward him. You should see the Melee icon, indicating he's stunned.
Move in close so the icon changes from red to white. Then press Y/F...
...to deliver another axe attack.
This should trigger a quick time event: press B/C at the first prompt to dodge Konstantin's swing.
Then, when the Melee icon appears, wait for the thin gray ring to contract to the melee button icon at center of the circle and press Y/F to stab Konstantin in the chest.
If you miss any of the prompts, Konstantin kills Lara and the game reloads. Fortunately the checkpoint is right at the beginning of the QTE, so you don't have to do the fighting part again. Just take a deep breath and retry the sequence until you succeed.
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