When Lara reaches the arena at the top of the tower, Konstantin's helicopter appears. She hears him give the order over the radio to keep her from reaching the Chamber of Souls. When you regain control, Lara is crouched behind a low wooden barrier. Just wait here for now.
After a moment Sofia tries to hit the chopper with a fireball but fails because the aircraft is too nimble. Lara says she has an idea. Next time Sofia fires the trebuchet, Lara will attempt to shoot the fireball in the air in order to damage the helicopter.
Your first chance to do this comes right away. You'll see a pop-up telling you to press Interact to send a signal when you're ready for Sofia to launch the fireball.
When you do, it will come from below on the right, just like the first one. You can try to track it with your gun or bow, or aim in the air just ahead of it and squeeze off a few shots just as the fireball passes in range.
If you hit your target, the flaming boulder will explode...
...showering the helicopter with fire. Lara yells, "Come down and face me, you coward!" as Konstantin flies away.
f you don't succeed the first time, you can wait for Sofia to get ready and then try again or just reload the checkpoint. The cutscene showing the initial fireball launch replays. Skip it if you like. Then press Interact to call for another fireball and try shooting it again.
NOTE: It's possible to damage the helicopter using grenade arrows, but this really isn't necessary. As long as you can coordinate with Sofia, you can take down the helicopter using 3 fireball blasts.
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