Return to the Remnant General in the cabin near the Logging Camp Base Camp for a new mission. He asks you to track down a carrier bird and kill it to retrieve an important message.
When you accept the mission, the current location of the bird is marked in green on your map and in Survival Instinct. It first appears on top of the gate near where you met the wounded Remnant scout earlier. That's just up the hill from the base camp. If you can shoot it down quickly, you won't need to chase it any farther.
If you can track it down quickly...
...and shoot it, you won't need to chase it any farther. Otherwise, it may fly off and you'll have to find it by using Survival Instinct.
After a while, it ends up at the top of the rock formation with one of the radio towers from the Communication Breakdown mission.
Also, you don't need to search the dead bird for the message. As soon as you kill it, the mission is complete and you can return to the general for your reward: a SHOTGUN SPREADER CHOKE. You probably don't have a shotgun yet, but this upgrade will be automatically applied to all shotguns you acquire.
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