Now you can climb the wall on the right that was previously blocked by ice.
At the top, climb to the left and pull up onto the ledge.
Use your climbing axe to turn the crank here by pressing Interact and then swiveling the left analog stick counterclockwise or holding A (Left) on the keyboard. This lowers a second ornate bucket on the other side of the ship.
Continue cranking until the bucket is as low as it will go. Then release the crank and run out onto the mast.
As you run, the bucket rises. You need to reach it before it gets too high, but don't run and jump, since it's easy to fall. Just move quickly to the end of the spar...
...and then jump to grab the handle on the bucket.
The bucket then swings forward...
...smashing the ice wall.
Again, wait for the bucket to carry Lara over to the ledge before you let go. Then jump across the gap to grab the ledge on the left and climb the ice wall above it.
At the top of the ice wall, jump up to grab the lower of the two oars embedded in the ice. Jump again to grab the higher oar, and then press Interact for a saving grab. Climb to the right and jump to grab onto the embedded beam.
[Part 1 | Part 3 | Return to the Glacial Cavern Walkthrough]
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