As you enter this large cavern, a pop-up warns of an optional Challenge Tomb nearby. Jump across the gap and grab the wooden ledge ahead. Pull up and follow the ledge around to the right...
...for a majestic view of a Byzantine ship embedded in the ice.
Jump across the gap on the right, latch onto the ice wall with your axes, and climb to the top.
Enter the passageway ahead, scramble onto the wooden ledge, and continue to the left.
I highly recommend completing the challenge tombs, but if you prefer to skip this one, just continue along the wooden walkway. You'll find the tunnel leading to the level exit on the right, just before the end of the path. (Pick up the main walkthrough here.)
To reach the challenge tomb, proceed about halfway along the wooden walkway, step out onto the wooden spar and jump across the chasm to latch onto the ice wall. Then climb up to the decorated archway.
Get some herbs from a container to the left of the archway. Then go through.
[Return to the Glacial Cavern Walkthrough]
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