From the starting point on the south side of the clearing, move behind the boxes on the right...
...and through the bushes along the right (east) wall.
Scramble up onto the roof of the second small shed. From here you'll have a good view of the area ahead, and the enemies won't notice you if you stay quiet.
Take out the 4 men guarding the front of the building first, since they can all be isolated from the others. Here's one possible sequence:
Wait for the man standing in the upper-level room to turn away from you and move inside (i.e., yellow in survival instinct). Then take him out with a silent bow headshot. If you hit him while he's looking out over the clearing, his body can fall off the edge, alerting the others, so be patient.
When the man on the porch at the lower left walks toward the back corner, and his companion moves off to the right, kill the guy on the left with another headshot.
When the man patrolling on the ground in the right corner moves to the right, shoot an arrow into the dirt to draw him away from the man on the porch.
The man on the ground is wearing armor and a helmet, so a headshot won't work.
Instead, hit him with a poison arrow.
Then headshot the guy on the porch when he's yellow in Survival Instinct view.
[Part 2 | Return to the Geothermal Valley Walkthrough]
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