Search the dead soldiers around the hole where you entered this area. The ones that aren't too badly burned have salvage, ammo, and other goodies you can use. Then go through the doorway above and behind the hole.
As you follow the hallway to the right, a gory shadow play is projected on the wall ahead.
Continue to the end of the hallway and crawl through the opening below the bars. Head to the right.
Climb onto the ledge on the left.
Then move forward cautiously. There are 3 Trinity soldiers having a minor freak-out in the room below. Take care of them. Then search the bodies and the rest of the room for ammo and supplies.
There are two possible exits in the northwest corner: a rope-wrapped barrier and a climbing wall. I'm not sure if this is the most direct route to all the pickups in this area, but....
Start by pulling down the barrier with a rope arrow.
Go through into a room with many wooden shelves and dig up a survival cache (1/3) buried in the alcove direcly ahead.
There's also a stack of gold coins buried In the northeast corner of this room. Grab the coins.
Then return through the opening you just made—halfway along the east wall—to the room where you just killed the 3 soldiers.
[Part 2 | Return to the Flooded Archives Walkthrough]
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