After scaling the outside of the cathedral, as described in the last section of the Geothermal Valley walkthrough, use the horizontal pole to swing across the gap and drop into the building ahead.
Move around to the right, past the huge bell. Climb the wall upward, left, and upward again, until you reach the handhold at the top of the rough climbing wall. As you go, Lara overhears Ana talking to a Trinity commander by radio. Ana is clearly impatient to find the Atlas.
Climb around the corner and as far to the left as possible.
Then jump to the left to grab the narrow, white ledge...
...and continue climbing around the next corner.
Drop and grab the handhold below.
Climb and then jump to the left again, and continue climbing around the corner until you can pull up.
Scramble up the wooden wall and grab the handhold above. Then climb around to the right and pull up onto the horizontal beam.
Walk toward the other end of the beam, jump out, and grapple the bottom of the wooden ladder above.
Climb the cable and then continue climbing to the top of the ladder.
Enter the room on the left to trigger a cutscene.
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