Dive into the pool near the campsite and swim down to the right (west).
Follow the flooded passageway to a small side chamber.
Here you'll find the third survival cache (5/6) in the tomb area, a container with cloth and Byzantine coins, more fire arrows, and an Archivist Map (2/2).
When you have everything, swim back out to the main pool.
Then climb the stairs to the right (southeast)...
...and follow the path down into a huge cavern.
At the end of the path is a gate with a vent spewing flammable gas. Stand at a safe distance and shoot a fire arrow into the gas vent to destroy the gate so you can enter.
Inside the puzzle room, follow the upper ledge around to the left to find more fire arrows and a document (4/8), Good Intentions from the Chamber of Exorcism series (Greek).
Now go all the way around to the other side of the room and down the stairs. Pick up a stack of gold coins on the way down.
There's also a second document (5/8) sitting on the floor on the left side of the room when facing the round, metal hatch. It is A Moment of Clarity from the Chamber of Exorcism series (Greek).
[Part 1 | Part 3 | Return to the Challenge Tomb Walkthrough]
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