Drop down into the next room. (This is the room to the left of the codex room in case you get disoriented.) and swim across to the ledge on the far side.
When you pull the handle with the rope coil, the grates on either side open, allowing some of the water to drain out of the room. But as soon as you let go of the handle, the grates close and the water level begins to rise again.
To lower the water level permanently, start by pulling the handle and letting the water drain away, as shown above.
Release the handle. Then quickly, before the water rises, turn around and run/jump across the wooden ledge on the right to the winch.
Stand next to the winch and shoot a rope arrow into the rope coil above the handle.
Use your axe to crank the winch as far as it will go. This should pull the handle all the way out and hold it there. This should permanently lower the water level halfway.
Scramble up the wall and hop down onto the boat.
Shoot a rope arrow into the beam in the opposite alcove.
Then turn the crank to pull the boat across the room into that alcove.
Jump to grab the ledge near the prow of the boat and pull up.
Here you'll find the Archivist Map (9/9) for this area.
[Part 3 | Part 5 | Return to the Challenge Tomb Walkthrough]
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