Search the packs the enemies dropped and gather more ammo and supplies. Then turn your attention to the fourth vat (marked D on the map). The process is basically the same as for the others except that the lever that opens this vat is located on the ledge below on the left, making things a little more challenging.
Stand by the rope spool. Shoot the witch to make her duck.
Shoot the cauldron with a rope arrow to attach it to the spool.
Shoot the witch again to prevent her from cutting the rope as the winch draws her in.
Jump down to the lever.
Shoot the witch again so she doesn't cut the rope.
Then, when the cauldron is positioned over the vat, pull the lever... cause another explosion.
If the witch manages to cut the rope, you'll need to scramble back up onto the ledge with the vat and spool to try again.
[Part 4 | Part 6 | Return to the Wicked Vale Walkthrough]
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